Home Page Hancock County ARES Events Schedule VE Sessions Teapot Day Special Event Teapot Day Log Sheet HAT Fest 2023 Training Schedule Skywarn Digital Communications JS8Call Packet Radio HAT Library HT Programming NTS Radiograms Hancock Auxcomm Team was established in 2018 and is an ARRL Affiliated club.

Amateur Radio License Exam Schedule

We will take a 4 month break for summer and resume testing again in September.

      Our September VE Session will be held at 1:00 p.m. on September 21st, 2024 at the Hancock AuxComm Team club station, in the Wells Building, located at 813 Washington Street, Suite 207, Newell, WV 26050. Phone 304-277-7552

      Our October VE Session will be held at 1:00 p.m. on October 19th, 2024 at the Hancock AuxComm Team club station, in the Wells Building, located at 813 Washington Street, Suite 207, Newell, WV 26050. Phone 304-277-7552

      Our November VE Session will be held at 1:00 p.m. on November 16th, 2024 at the Hancock AuxComm Team club station, in the Wells Building, located at 813 Washington Street, Suite 207, Newell, WV 26050. Phone 304-277-7552

      Our December VE Session will be held at 1:00 p.m. on December 24th, 2024 at the Hancock AuxComm Team club station, in the Wells Building, located at 813 Washington Street, Suite 207, Newell, WV 26050. Phone 304-277-7552

Please, bring with you:
  1. A current photo ID
  2. $15.00 Payment for exam (Cash, Check, or Money order *)
  3. Your FCC Registration Number (FRN) See Below
  4. A copy of your current license or CSCE (if applicable)

  5. * Make checks or money orders payable to ARRL VEC
NOTE: Per FCC rules, a valid email address is also mandatory on the application form to recieve FCC correspondence, including the official copy of your Amateur Radio license.

Also NOTE: The examiner team may no longer accept Social Security numbers for identification. The FCC requires all applicants to have an FCC Registration Number (FRN). Your FRN is printed below your name and address on your license. If you are unlicensed, Examinees should register in the FCC CORES registration system and receive an FRN before exam day.

Copyright © Hancock Auxcomm Team (WV8HAT) All Rights Reserved.